Solve any problem that you have with this technique

Spyros Giorgis
2 min readJun 28, 2020

According the science and research of the last two years you are a potential genius. You have within you right now incredible reserve of brain power that you habitually fail to use. You have sufficient knowledge and intelligence right now to overcome any obstacle, to solve any problem and to achieve any goal that you can set for yourself. What this means is that your IQ is not fixed. The more you use your brain the more you can use it. To unlock your genius, you need three things: First you need Intensely desired goals, 2nd you need pressing problems and 3rd focused questions.

Here is a simple exercise that could even change your life as it is as it changes mine and many others:

Take a sheet of paper, write your current goal or problem at the top of the page in the form of a question. E.g. How can I double my sales over the next 12 months? Then you force yourself to write 20 answers to that question (this is not easy the first time you do it, believe me) Nonetheless, by disciplining yourself to write at least 20 answers to that question you will be absolutely amazed at the quality of the answers that appear on the page before you. This is called mind storming. It’s one of the most powerful creative thinking exercises ever discovered and all it takes Is a piece of paper, a pen, and few minutes of your time. Once you written down 20 answers, go over your list and select one answer which you can implement immediately. The faster you implement this idea, the more ideas that will come to you. Ask yourself this question on a regular basis: ‘What one problem, if I were to solve it, would have the greatest positive impact on my business?’ Whatever your answer is to that problem or question, write it down. develop 20 answers and then take action

You will be amazed at the results



Spyros Giorgis

Help people build awareness of their capabilities and their potential IG @coachspirosgio